Paying it Forward
During these alarming times, the acts of kindness we hear and read about warm our hearts and give us hope. Since attitudes and outlooks are contagious, I strive to ensure that mine are always kind, encouraging and inspiring.
CHF Team Zoom Training and Completion Ceremony Certificates, Dr. Sandy Abu-Arja & CHF Egypt Team
Teach-Now Graduate School of Education
Teach-Now Graduate School of Education New Instructors Onboarding Orientation
As a TEACH-NOW Graduate School of Education Online instructor, I benefited from outstanding support and training that enabled me to provide a quality online learning experience for the candidates I teach. I was privileged to be able to “pay it forward” by assisting the CHF Egypt Loan Guarantee Facility (ELGF)/Global Communities Team as they transitioned to working from home. CHF Egypt’s loan guarantee, access to finance and training of small business owners project required the team to meet and conduct face-to-face conferences and training sessions all over Egypt. The global pandemic compelled the CHF Egypt Chief of Party and Team to rapidly re-invent and devise a plan to achieve their goals and targets without in-person meetings. I was honored to be able to provide the training that empowered the team to implement Phase 1 of their plan.
Paying It Forward
The CHF Egypt Team wholeheartedly participated in multiple training sessions on how to use Zoom efficiently, effectively and creatively, so they could transform their approach to achieving their mission. This initial training was Phase 1 of a 4-phase plan.
During Phase 2, the CHF Egypt Team practiced what they had learned from the Zoom training sessions in their department meetings, and also trained their family and friends to use Zoom in their professional and personal lives. By using Zoom, their meetings became more dynamic as they used the break out rooms, chat, whiteboard and annotate features. Their family and friends benefited from the training from the CHF Egypt Team. Soon, their parents, siblings, children and friends were hosting Rotary Club meetings, study groups and family gatherings using Zoom.
Hewaya Nursery School Play Date
Over the next few weeks, the CHF Egypt Team will roll out Phases 3 and 4. During Phase 3, the CHF Team will train the contracted Training Institution Providers (TIPs) all over Egypt including, but not limited to Luxor, Alexandria, the Delta, and Upper Egypt, to use Zoom to conduct their training sessions with women-owned business owners in their communities. Finally, in Phase 4, the TIPs will train the women business owners to use Zoom to access and partake in training courses about financial literacy, marketing and other related topics.
Together We are Stronger
There are so many acts of kindness shining through these troubling times. Celebrate yours and others’ gifts and talents by sharing them with the world. Show gratitude for those who facilitated your learning and pay it forward to others to keep building capacity. Together, we are stronger.
Stay home, save lives, stay healthy, and share your gifts and talents with others.
-Dr. Sandy Abu-Arja, TEACH-NOW Graduate School of Education Instructor
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Teach-Now Graduate School of Education and the programs on offer, please visit our Teacher Certification, Master’s Degrees, and PD pages.
CHF Egypt Loan Guarantee Facility (ELGF)/Global Communities and their noble work in Egypt, please visit:
Due to the global pandemic, the CHF Egypt Loan Guarantee Facility (ELGF)/Global Communities Team had to cancel upcoming training sessions and start working from home. We were fortunate that Dr. Sandy Abu-Arja provided the entire team with training so that we could learn how to use Zoom to connect with our clients and achieve our targets and conduct meetings and training- Nasr Fathi, Monitoring, Evaluation & Compliance Manager
In times like these, we are required to think out of the box, innovate and create new ways to communicate and interact. On behalf of the CHF Egypt Loan Guarantee Facility (ELGF)/Global Communities Team, I would like to thank Dr. Sandy Abu-Arja for volunteering to conduct the Zoom Training Sessions. The CHF Team will use Zoom technology to achieve the ultimate work performance- Riham Wafaie, Office & HR Manager
CHF Management and Consulting Services S.A.E. (ELGF)