Finding Freedom with a Teaching License

| by Hannah Sparling


If Chandini Ganju lives by one rule, it’s this: No boxes. 

She went from a fine arts degree to a career in media to a career in teaching.  

She taught in Malaysia, Vietnam, and now India. 

What’s next? Maybe teaching in Singapore. Maybe earning her master’s degree. Maybe moving to the U.S. if the right opportunity presents itself. Her only requirements are a good job, a good school, and the opportunity to learn and grow. 

“I don’t ever want to be categorized in a box,” said Chandini, a 2024 graduate of Moreland University’s TEACH-NOW Teacher Preparation Certificate Program. “I want to be free to change my path, to make decisions, to grow every year.” 

From Art to Teaching 

Chandini’s father was an architect, and she grew up with his artist friends in their drawing room — painters, sculptors, and textile designers. He regularly took Chandini to exhibits and workshops, and most of her hobbies and free time were centered around art. 

“When I was small, all I liked was art, and all I did was drawing,” she said. “I got exposed to a lot of art, and that was the only direction I could see myself going.” 

She went to college for fine arts, earning a bachelor’s degree in painting, and after graduation, she was all set up with a studio and ready to start her career.  

But then, she saw an opening for a graphic artist, doing live graphics for a news organization. “What could be more fun?” she thought. She applied and got the job, and her career went in a new direction.  

She worked in print, video, film, and as an international media trainer, teaching adults how to use creative software.  

Then, about 6 years ago, she got an opportunity to teach art and design at an international school in Malaysia, and her career shifted again. 

“I loved going to a classroom,” she said. “I loved the kids, the hugs, the noise, and the hustle and bustle of school, so I’ve become a teacher now.” 

A Chance to Give Back 

Chandini is glad her career took the path it did. If she had gone directly from college to the classroom, she wouldn’t have all the real-world experiences she’s able to share with her students today. It’s made her a better teacher. 

Plus, she’s grateful her 10-year-old daughter has been able to travel and experience different cultures and careers with her. 

“When you travel with your child, they learn to be as resilient as you,” she said. “It’s a lesson for them also.”  

Her goal as an educator is to grow every year and to build into the next generation. She loves leading a child in the right direction, opening their eyes to something new.  

“That is a big thing for me,” she said, “because as I grow older, I feel we must give back. What we receive, we must also return in some way.”

An Open Future 

Chandini has taught students from first grade through 12th. She’s always studied on the side, but this past year, she decided she wanted to earn her U.S. teaching license through Moreland’s TEACH-NOW program. 

She wanted a deeper understanding of the theories and science behind teaching, she said. Plus, having her U.S. license will make it easier to find teaching jobs around the world. 

“I personally like southeast Asia a lot for work, because I love the multicultural life and I love the people,” she said. “The schools are so vibrant. There’s so much going on — it keeps you on your toes.” 

This year, she is teaching in Mumbai. She’s studying for her Praxis exams, the last step to earn her U.S. certification, and she wants to earn her master’s in special education from Moreland as well. 

After that, who knows?  

Her future is open. 

No boxes.  

Earn your U.S. teaching license in as little as 9 months with Moreland University. Our program is fully accredited and 100% online — so you can study from anywhere in the world. 

Additional Reading